Saturday was my Dad's 59
th birthday!!! However, because we all have such busy schedules, my Father included, we were not able to celebrate until Sunday afternoon. This happened to be the first time in my Dad's whole life (or so he claims) that he has not celebrated his birthday on the actual day!!!! In fact, growing up, my Dad was always very
adamant that we celebrate our birthdays on the actual day, not on the following, or
preceding Saturday. Therefore, I can remember having birthdays in the evening, after school (only a couple times since my birthday is so close to Christmas), or even sometimes, in the morning:). I, personally, kind of like it. Why plan a big birthday party on a day that is not actually your birthday? I have decided, in honor of my father, that my children (if they ever come) will celebrate only on their REAL birthday!! Thanks Dad!!!
Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting...his favorite

My big Daddy along with his babies that were able to make it...Kimberly, you were greatly missed:).

This picture cracks me up because they were pretending to blow the candles out just for the photo!! It is so funny because the two of them are both about to laugh...not very good actors!! Also, Griff is so cute trying to get in on the action...

That kid sure does love his Grandpa! And, I have a feeling that goes vice

He is just too cute!


We always practice safety at the
Hussey house...this is done by allowing the one year old to play with the lighter!! (For anyone who is nervous, the lighter was empty. I just thought it was a funny picture.)

Cutie...playing in the new tent and tunnel that Grammy got them.

Hands full!! Still able to swing though.

Did I mention that they kind of like each other!! Isn't that so cute?!?!

Big Boy Roy, just
loungin' while Dad and Janice rock him:). He is so
stinkin' cute!!!

Busy, and pretty:), girl...

About two more months until this will be a Mr. and Mrs. picture!!!!

My Dad's birthday, well the celebration at least, was so great. Nice and relaxing, just as it should be to celebrate a man who is always so busy taking care of his many babies. Honestly, I know most everyone says this about their father, but I really do think that my Dad could take the cake for the best Dad in the world. He is truly amazing. The love that he has shown, and taught me about is rare. He is a wonderful man. I love you Dad!!!