Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dear Don,

I can't believe you are six and a half months old already. Your Dad and I waited so long for you and now that you are here time seems to be flying by. You change so much everyday and I keep getting scared that I am going to forget something, as Momma doesn't have the best memory:). Tomorrow you have your 6 month doctors appointment and I can't wait to see the percentiles you are in. You are such a big boy with cute, chubby legs!!! I love to squeeze and kiss them. You are so close to crawling!! Everyday you get a little better. I can see that you get frustrated because you want to get something so bad but you just can't get there yet. You work so hard to make it a short little distance. I want to help you so bad, but I have to stop myself because you won't be able to learn on your own if I am always stepping in and helping you:). However, it is tough for Momma to watch you struggling, when I know I could get it for you so easily. It is so cute how you get up on all fours and start rocking back and forth...almost like you are willing your body to move.

TEETH!! You already have 5 of them!! Such a bigga boy:). Because you have such great chompers, we have been able to give you some different types of food, which you LOVE! The baby food isn't really cuttin' it anymore, so we have had to give some crackers and add cereal to the food so it is a little more dense. You seem to be proud of your teeth and sure do want to use them. The other day you really hurt your Dad when you bit his arm! When you are around people eating, you sit and stare. We can almost see the wheels turning in your head as you try to figure out how to be more efficient with your eating.

Sleeping is something that is not coming as easy to you as I would have hoped, but you are getting into a schedule more and more each day. The last few nights, you have only woke up once to eat and get a quick diaper change, which has been so nice for your Dad and I, as we have been able to get some good sleep too! You still sleep in your pack and play next to our bed (and sometimes in our bed...hehe). Neither of us are ready for you to be in your own room yet, although I'm sure you would be...I am just not ready to not have you by me:). I am hoping that your naps will get a little more regular. Right now, you usually take a long morning nap and two little cat naps in the afternoon.

Your best friends are definitely your dogs, Baxter and Lady, and your cousins, Griffin, Abby, and Sophia. You laugh at the dogs all the time and they like to keep an eye on you most of the day. Your cousins crack you up and play games with you. Griffin likes to call you whatever he hears Grandpa calling you, for example, on Saturday he kept calling you boy...just like Grandpa:).

Well, sweet baby boy, I think that is a pretty good recap of where you are at in your life right now. I love each and every new phase that you enter, but it always makes me a little sad too because each phase goes so fast. You are always so happy and smiley and I hope that is a character trait that will stay with you forever:). I love you so much and you bring your Dad and I so much joy each day. We waited and prayed for you for so long, but you were so worth it!!! Today as I left the house for work, I went in to kiss you and your Dad goodbye and looked at our queen sized bed which had Baxter, Lady, you, and your Dad...who would have thought that one little bed could hold everything I love the most?!?!?


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We took Don to the pumpkin patch before Halloween to pick out the perfect pumpkin to carve out and put him in for some pictures. It was also fun to get some pictures while we were there of his first trip to the pumpkin patch. He thought the pumpkins were pretty cool...and I thought he looked pretty cool sitting with them:). Such a big boy!

Our little family on the first of many future trips to the pumpkin patch. I am sure Don will start to like it a little more as he gets older. I was nice because we went during the week, so there was not a big crowd. I felt like we had the run of the place:).

Daddy got a little cold, but didn't have a hat...I thought he looked a little goofy...

Don also thought the pumpkins tasted pretty good!

I just loved this picture. My two guys:)...

These little goats were so cute. They were miniature or something.

Awwww...my sweet boy. Always so smiley. I love it:).

LOVE...he pretty much has me wrapped around his finger:).

I thank God everyday for the blessing he has given us. Don is such a sweet, happy boy and I continue to me amazed by him everyday. I love my little man!

Our Little Pumpkin

This boy sure has stolen my heart! I know this post is a little late, and I have been a crappy blogger lately, but I figured better late than never:). Don's first Halloween was certainly fun. Even though he couldn't really trick or treat yet, it was still fun to put him in a costume and carve a pumpkin out to put him in for some pictures. At first, he wasn't too sure about being in the pumpkin, but never-the-less we were able to get some pictures where he was smiling. This little guy is always so happy! I love it. All you have to do is say "hi" to him and he breaks out in a big ol' smile:).

He loves his Dad and his doggies. The all make him laugh hysterically when we are home. Sometimes he just looks at Baxter and starts to laugh, which, Richie and I wonder if that hurts Baxter's feelings since Don is just laughing at him being normal:).

He continues to amaze me everyday. He now has FOUR teeth and is already 6 months old. The other night I told him to slow down with his growing...it is all going too fast!! I don't think he is going to listen though. Last night he was getting up on all fours and rocking, so I think crawling is going to be in his near future.

When Don was first born, all I could see in him was Richie. I thought they were going to be identical. However, as he is getting older, I see so much of my little brother in him...especially in the way his hair is starting to grow in:)...Ch-ch-cha-chia (inside joke for my bro).

Like I stated above, I just love this little guy so much and he has completely stolen my heart. It is amazing the way a mother's heart can grow everyday to hold all of the new love you find for you sweet baby. Don truly has been a blessing to Richie and I:).

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Babies are everywhere! Two of my best friends have recently had babies and it is so exciting to get to share the joys of motherhood with them. Jessica (far right) had Trent three months after Don was born, and then Beth (middle) had Liv just a few days ago, three months after Trent was born. I know these three are going to be great friends...or at least I know they will be forced to play together! It is so nice to have friends going through the same life experiences as me so that I can ask questions, or just chat about what they are doing with their babies. Just a little Mom talk:).

Here is the first of many pictures to come in their lives! It will be fun to compare the pictures over the years to see how much they all grow and change. I can't wait to see them again soon. We have our holiday dinner coming up the Saturday after Thanksgiving...I am really looking forward to having the kids together again! My visit on Tuesday got cut a little short, so I look forward to heading up again soon to get more chatting time:).

We are all so blessed to have healthy babies, to have them around the same time, and they are blessed with instant friends.