How did I get so lucky??? Every morning I get to wake up to this smile and every morning I feel so blessed when I see it:).

Our little man is really proving to be such a sweet boy. For the most part, he is happy and easy going. Sometimes we feel like bad parents because he really likes to watch TV. Not that we just set him down in front of the TV to entertain him, but while Richie and I will be watching a show we will look down and realize that Don is watching with us. We are definitely a TV household. Richie and I don't really like to travel much, we
hardly ever go out, so TV time is kind of our entertainment. We watch a lot of movies and have certain shows that we like to watch together. So I guess we are just training Don a little early:).
Don makes me
sooooo happy...with a smile like that, how could he not?????