Seriously...this kid is so freakin' cute!!!! Ok, so I know I am probably a little bias, but he is just so cute and smiley. Such a happy boy.
After our snow storm last week, my little man got kinda used to having his Momma home with him all day. When I left for work this morning, he started to cry pretty hard, which broke my heart. So I had to look at these pics to make me feel better. I figured I should share a few with you all so that you could feel better if you needed to as well:).

Don is very busy lately. He pulls himself up everywhere and wants down all the time to crawl around. I should have known he was going to be super active, because when I was pregnant, he would be
movin' all around all the time. I think we are going to have our hands full with this sweet boy:). Oh yeah, please notice the hair do he has going on. Yes, that is natural and has earned him the name of Donnie Rooster, Rooster, or sometimes just Roo.
Have a great start to your week!!