Friday, October 8, 2010


I should have posted this a really long time ago, but I forgot until now...oh well.

For our wedding, our best man got us a bottle of Dom Perignon. We were REALLY excited, or actually, I was really excited!!! We kept looking for the right time to drink it, but were always hesitant because we didn't want to waste it on something that wasn't special enough. I was talking to some friends about how we had yet to drink the fancy bottle of champagne, and was shocked when they told me that it can actually go bad!!! Since we heard this news, we were constantly looking for a the right time and place to drink it cause we knew it had to be soon.

For those of you who know Richie, you know that he LOVES the Lakers. So every year when they are in the playoffs, it is a very emotional time for him. I can't get upset because I have my teams that I love and am very passionate about, so I totally get his craziness:).

This past year, when they won the championship game, Richie started jumping up and down going crazy with excitement and yelled, "Get the Dom!!!" Of course I quickly agreed that this was the right time:), so I grabbed it out of the cupboard.
It was well worth the wait!!!!! Even though it was a relaxing, low key night at home, I think it was the perfect night to drink our Dom:).

Richie is not a huge drinker, so he only had one glass and I got the rest of the bottle to myself!!! Yum, yum!!!!!


Amy said...


Malia said...

Lucky duck! :)

Kora said...

Did Baxter take that picture of you guys?