Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I wonder how it will be.....

I have a few blogs that I like to read regularly. This one, Rockstar Diaries (, was so cute today that I had to share it. This couple recently brought home a new baby. They have the cutest little Bulldog (English...of course, Baxter is the cutest American Bulldog!) and she will sometimes do a post as if he is writing it. This most recent post, got me thinking about how Baxter and Lady will react when Baby Don comes home.

I can really see Baxter being very overprotective of Don and leaving his cozy space next to me in bed to sleep on the floor in the nursery. I was discussing this worry with Richie the other day, and he just laughed at me!!! I guess it is a silly thing to worry about...but who will keep my feet warm if Baxter is not down there?!?!? Richie reminded me that I will have a lot more things to be thinking about when Don gets here, and shouldn't waste too much time worrying about where Baxter is going to sleep:).

Lady on the other hand is the one we are a little more worried about. She is SUCH A LOVER!!! Not that this is a bad thing, but we are a little worried that she will love the baby a little too much. She loves to give kisses, so we are really going to have to watch that she doesn't kiss Don too much:).

I am sure everything will be great and Baxter and Lady will love their new family member, but these are just some things that have been crossing my mind lately:).
This is an old day we came home to this mess! Baxter had destroyed his bed! Hopefully, he will not resort back to actions like this after Don gets here:).


Amy said...

Sometimes older siblings do regress a little bit when a new baby arrives... We'll keep our fingers crossed that Baxter does not - and, therefore, does not create any messes like that again for you to clean up!

Leah said...

Oh Marisa, you sound like me worrying about my kitties and how they were going to react to Andrew! Ris, they're such an important part of your life (I get that) and I know your worries about how they are going to fit into the scene. But trust me when I say "they just do."

Harper watches over Andrew and spends a lot of time next to him. He's even super tolerant when Andrew pulls his hair. Norman on the other hand is a total baby and won't have anything to do with Andrew. He would never hurt him but he ignores him.

I know this might not be possible but the best thing that happened to my kitties was my Mom and Dad being here when we brought Andrew home. They kind of picked up the slack, if that makes sense. Just make sure Richie loves on them like crazy. We always said (and have had to make it a point) we weren't going to let our animals get ignored once the babe arrived. It's hard but we do our best to love on them as much as possible. You just find a way to make it work and they eventually figure out how they fit into the picture. Good luck, it'll all work out, Richie is right!

Malia said...

They'll get the hang of living with a baby, but there will probably be an adjustment period. Just sayin'. Our very well-behaved cats did pee on a few of the baby's things, which they NEVER did before. It was EXTREMELY annoying, but it did end.

MamaSophia said...

I'm sure you have already heard this. After you have the baby, have Richie bring home the baby's hospital cap or something he had been wearing and give it to the dogs to play with and smell. that way they can get familiar with the new scent of the baby :-)